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The possible reason for this, the team believes, could be due to climatic conditions in our distant past. This is because pre-modern carbon 14 chronologies rely on standardised northern and southern hemisphere calibration curves to determine specific dates and are based on the assumption that carbon 14 levels are similar and stable across both hemispheres. However, atmospheric measurements from the last 50 years show varying carbon 14 levels throughout.

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Additionally, we know that plants typically grow at different times in different parts of the northern hemisphere. To test this oversight, the researchers measured a series of carbon 14 ages in southern Jordan tree rings calculated as being from between and Sure enough, it showed that plant material in the southern Levant showed an average carbon offset of about 19 years compared with the current northern hemisphere standard calibration curve.

Related: history , research , Climate , Chemistry , archaeology. Colm Gorey is a senior journalist with Siliconrepublic. Our Website uses cookies to improve your experience. Please visit our Privacy Policy page for more information about cookies and how we use them. How many people could live on Earth?

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